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Pure Encapsulations

G.I. Fortify

G.I. Fortify

Regular price $51.40 USD
Regular price Sale price $51.40 USD
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In a convenient powder form, G.I. Fortify is a great-tasting blend of high-impact fiber, nutrients and herbs for gut health. It supports overall G.I. function and microflora balance, occasional constipation, healthy bowel movement frequency, cellular health and detoxification of the G.I. tract.

The formula includes psyllium, a valued source of soluble fiber, which helps to promote larger and softer stools for healthy bowel movement frequency. Psyllium is fermented in the intestines to maintain healthy colon cell function and promote beneficial microflora. Flaxseed provides a source of lignans, fatty acids, and both soluble and insoluble fibers for gut health. In times of stress or increased metabolic demand, glutamine is an especially important source of energy for the G.I. tract. It also maintains gut integrity and enhances the protective mucosal lining to ensure proper nutrient utilization while limiting the amount of toxins that pass through the intestinal barrier. G.I. Fortify provides a combination of deglycyrrhizinated licorice, aloe, slippery elm and marshmallow root to support gut integrity and provide a soothing effect. Triphala is an Ayurvedic blend known for supporting intestinal detoxification, occasional constipation, and overall colon health.

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  • Quality Above All

    We commit to providing supplements with only the purest and most bioavailable ingredients, as well as thorough testing protocols to ensure quality.

  • Essential Nutrients for Optimal Wellness

    We understand the importance of supplements in achieving health and wellness. We offer nutrition in a variety of forms, including capsules, liquids, and powders, to make it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

  • Our Promise

    Through personalized care and a wide range of products, we aim to empower our customers to live longer and healthier lives, and ensure wellness at every stage of life.